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How Long Do Contact Lenses Last?

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A close-up image of a woman carefully putting a contact lens into her right eye.

Contact lenses are an incredibly convenient alternative to more traditional eyeglasses. They offer clear vision in a convenient fashion and can be used to treat all kinds of eye conditions. However, they do expire, and wearing them past this date can quickly lead to problems. So how long do contact lenses last?

Contact lenses each have an expiration date based on the materials and specific type of lens in question. Rigid lenses usually last the longest, up to several years in most situations, while disposable soft lenses should only be used according to their daily, bi-weekly or monthly modality. Always pay attention to the expiration date of your lenses, storage case, and cleaning solution—these can cause all kinds of problems if used once expired.

The Different Types of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a wonderful option for those looking for clear and comfortable vision. However, they aren’t universal—they can come in all kinds of materials and makes. Contact lenses can typically be broken down into several categories:

  • Rigid gas-permeable lenses, made of a hard and rigid material that allows oxygen to reach the eye. These are a long-lasting option, though some people may find them uncomfortable.
  • Soft lenses, made of a soft silicone hydrogel material. While more comfortable, these lenses don’t last as long as other options. These are by far the most common contact lenses used.
  • Hybrid lenses, which incorporate softer edges and a more rigid center to act as an in-between for the other options. These are used for unique cornea and prescriptions that don’t perform as well with conventional soft contact lenses.

Other than material, the purpose of the contact lens itself matters. Soft lenses can come in monthly, bi-weekly, weekly, or even daily options.

Do Contact Lenses Expire?

Try to view your contact lenses like any other medical device—they’re only safe to use within their expiration date. Every container of contacts you receive will have a clearly printed expiration on the side. This is the period of time when they’re guaranteed by the manufacturer to be safe, effective, and sterile.

Keep an eye on this date and dispose of your contacts once it passes. This date isn’t a recommendation—it’s the last day the lenses should be considered safe to use. Expired contact lenses can cause significant damage to your eye if you aren’t careful.

Is It Safe to Wear Expired Contacts?

Wearing expired contact lenses can lead to a range of eye problems. This is due to how the lenses touch the eye itself. When you store your lenses, they’re in an airtight case designed to keep bacteria out and the lens safe to use.

Over time, wear and tear can cause bacteria and/or viruses to contaminate the contact lens case, easily transmitting the contaminants directly into your eye. This can increase the risk of:

  • Eye infections
  • Irritation and discomfort
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Blurred or impaired vision
  • Redness and inflammation
  • Dry eye
  • Fungal transmission

All of these can lead to permanent damage to your vision if you aren’t careful. It helps to keep an eye on your expiration dates, maintain proper required cleaning of your lenses, and make sure you order replacements long before your current lenses expire. Don’t put your vision at risk. If your contact lenses expire, dispose of them immediately.

If you wear expired contacts and notice redness, blurry vision, or any other discomfort, immediately remove the lenses. These are all common signs of an eye infection, and this can lead to significant issues if you leave it unaddressed. Instead, visit your optometrist for an eye exam to determine whether or not your vision is at risk.

Tips for Maintaining Your Contacts

Taking care of your contact lenses is one of the easiest ways to make sure they remain safe to use up until the expiration date. Remember, they directly come into contact with your eye’s surface and can easily transmit all kinds of harmful contaminants if you’re not careful.

A close-up image of a person cleaning a contact lens on the tip of their finger.

To take care of your contact lenses, make sure to:

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses
  • Use fresh cleaning solution every time you store your lenses, and rub them before storing them in the case
  • Clean your contact lens case regularly and replace it at least every three months
  • Avoid sleeping in your contact lenses
  • Regularly check your lenses for any signs of damage

While these steps are simple, they significantly lower the risk of infection and damage. Don’t forget to check the storage case and cleaning solution as well—they’ll have their own expiration dates to follow. Your eyes are precious, so don’t put them at risk.

Get Your New Contacts

Contact lenses are an excellent answer to all kinds of vision problems, but it’s important to treat them with care. Proper maintenance and vigilance are crucial to preserving your vision.

If your contacts have expired or you’re experiencing discomfort, it’s time to visit our team at Discover Eyecare. We can help, so book an appointment with our team today!

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