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Category: Eye Exams

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What Are The First Signs Of Cataracts?

An older adult lowering their glasses while looking at their phone due to vision problems from cataracts.

Cataracts can make everyday tasks harder. From reading to driving, vision problems can be more than just inconvenient—they can significantly affect your quality of life. Conditions like cataracts are extremely common, so how do you recognize them? What are the first signs of cataracts? In their early stages, cataracts typically cause blurriness, cloudy spots, and […]

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Retinal Imaging: How It Works and What Can It Detect?

Your eye doctor can spot potential health issues beyond just vision problems. In fact, with the help of retinal imaging, we can look deeper into your overall health. Retinal imaging involves taking highly detailed pictures of your retina—the light-sensitive layer at the back of your eye. These images can reveal early signs of eye diseases […]

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How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?

A boy is covering his left eye during a visual acuity test.

Our eyes are the windows to our soul, so we must look after them with annual eye exams.  Eye exams are a crucial aspect of our general wellness. They make it possible to diagnose eye disorders and vision correction, but they also enable the discovery of additional medical conditions. Adults should have an eye exam […]

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What Are Signs My Child Needs Glasses?

A young girl squinting with pink headphones on, looking at her laptop extremely closely as she is struggling to read the text on the screen

As parents, we want our children to have the tools they need to succeed. We are their strongest advocates in the early years, working hard to ensure they’re healthy, strong, and happy. And that includes providing a pair of glasses if they’re having challenges seeing the world around them!  Parents need to be especially mindful […]

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