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Category: Myopia

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What’s The Difference Between Myopia, Hyperopia, & Presbyopia?

An adult lifting their glasses while trying to read their phone, struggling due to poor vision.

When things start to look blurry, it’s a problem. Vision problems can develop due to all kinds of underlying factors. However, for adults, there are 3 common causes: myopia, hyperopia, and presbyopia. But what do these mean, and what’s the difference between them? Each of these is a refractive error. Typically, the differences are: While […]

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How Do MiyoSmart Lenses Work For Myopia Control?

A cute young boy wears glasses with MiyoSmart lenses.

At Discover Eyecare, we’re all about putting your family’s vision first. Whether it’s for you or your child, we believe every patient deserves personalized care tailored to their unique needs. When it comes to managing myopia, or nearsightedness, one option that’s getting a lot of attention is MiyoSmart lenses.  MiyoSmart lenses are an effective option […]

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